Endorsements of Marcus Thomas Ministries

“Ephesians 4:11 records Jesus himself giving the five fold ministry to the church for the equipping of the saints and for the work of ministry, but many are of the opinion that Apostles and Prophets where only available to the early church and they no longer exist today. But those who deny that God continues to use the office of the prophet to perfect his church, have yet to experience the ministry of Prophet Marcus Thomas Sr. I’ve had the opportunity to experience his ministry and see God use him with such accurate prophetic words that are anchored in the word of God, that I can say it is life changing. I have been in full-time ministry for several decades, and I can say, without doubt that this man of God is sent by God for such a time as this. I hope and pray that you are blessed and strengthened by his ministry as much as I have been since meeting him. I pray you let this book open your heart to the possibilities that come with knowing God, and that you will be blessed and increased by the ministry of Prophet Marcus D. Thomas Sr.”


“Every now and again we are exposed to something that is extraordinary and unexplainable at the same time. Prophecy is what we've heard it stated before that it is to edify to comfort and to exalt. But every now and then there is a woe here and a woe there, messages of warning. The question is, is there a difference between prophecy and a prophet seeing? And I say yes.  Prophecy and prophet- seeing. The prophetic is an office that is misunderstood widely. And few can bring great understanding to something that we see as mystical. When I hear the word prophecy immediately my mind goes to Jeremiah, Amos, Moses, etcetera; and I focus on their writing.  Is not just things that are written, prophecy is also a prophet seeing. Prophet see: prophecy.  And the prophet that sees has the ability to lead from the future to see tomorrow, today. And give you directions on how to navigate your way through a world that God created and finished but it's now starting an incomplete for you. Every person needs a prophetic voice in their life I believe this book is going to help you not only to understand the prophetic but also speak as an Oracle of God and watch things manifest. For not only does God speak through a prophet but he honors the word of the prophet. In this book you will learn how trust God and not miss creative opportunities to speak things into existence that are in existence in your tomorrow that you called them into existence today. Prophet Marcus Thomas is a gifted old man trapped in a young body with extraordinary gifts into seeing and leading from the future. That is to say he sees things tomorrow, today. In reading this book you're going to find out would or tap into the part of you that God is installed in you as the believer and the prophet. ”


In the Body of Christ, in order to walk in purpose and fulfill one’s spiritual destiny, they need an encouragement team, Gospel message that’s not bogged down in personal opinion or theological minutiae and a prophetic voice that brings God near when He seems so far. Prophet Marcus Thomas is prophet who fits that bill. I have no reservation in recommending that you read this book. When it comes to Basketball, Golf, or Chemistry, I can’t vouch for Prophet Marcus Thomas but when it comes to wrestling with the tough issues of faith and life, I know no one who does it better.”


“The Prophetic Ministry of Prophet Marcus D. Thomas, Sr., is an accurate voice laced with wisdom and keen sensitivity. He is filled with the Holy Spirit and speaks truth with clarity and authority. His ministry has touched the lives of many around the world and has inspired them to live a life of Faith. Through his ministry, he has been able to connect with people of all backgrounds and help them find hope and courage in difficult times. I Endorse The Ministry Of Prophet Marcus D. Thomas, Sr.”


“Prophetical perception! Having been in ministry for over forty years, I’ve seen the abuse of ministry that emanated from the psyche and not spirit. Prophet Marcus Thomas has brought credibility to the American prophetic ministry with accuracy and honesty!”


“Prophet Marcus Thomas is a genuine and authentic gift to the church. His ministry is relevant and life-changing. Based on my experience with his character and ministry, I endorse him. This moment in time, I believe that God's spirit is inviting us to think about our ways, and He is raising up prophetic voices in this end time, and Prophet Marcus Thomas is one of them. “


“I am delighted to endorse Dr.Marcus Thomas for his remarkable achievement in writing this book.His insightful perspectives and thoughtful reflections demonstrate a deep understanding centered around missed opportunities .The book is a testament to his dedication and passion for guiding others in their spiritual journey.”


“The Prophet Dr. Marcus D. Thomas Jr. is one of my youngest sister’s four sons. He’s a nephew that I watched from a far for many years as he grew into the God representative that he’s become today. To me he’s an example of what God does when we embrace His opportunities for purpose, overcoming and victory in this life. Through abandonment he brought me and his blood ones close. Through broken family bonds he became a strong lover, consistent presence and guide to his son. He is the hope that God fearing black people have for the children we raise in our churches. In him and his ministry, I see, hear, and feel the Holy Spirit of the Almighty. Blessings on you and the good work God has begun in you and brought to maturity Marcus; for He will surely bring it to completion.”